
I would love for my Mom's friends and family to contribute some of their stories or memories of my mom. I want to eventually turn this blog into a book for her grandkids, so they too will have something to remember her by. If you have something you would like to share, please email it to me at tieman03@gmail.com and I will add it to her stories page. My family and I appreciate everyones support, prayers, and love during this very difficult time.

I would just like to let everyone know that this blog will be here forever. If you think of a story or memory of my mom a year from now, or even two or three, please feel free to share.

Mom's Slideshow

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I've been thinking about you a lot lately...I miss you dearly...I say goodnight to you every night; I hope you hear me....Sometimes I have dreams that we're together again and it's the best feeling ever.
I wish you could see the boys... they're changing and growing and learning everyday.  It's milestones like Cody starting kindergarten, Trevor getting ready to turn 3 and Justin getting ready to turn 1 that I wish you could be here for.
I miss the feeling of knowing that my mom will always be there for me...I miss the feeling of comfort and the feeling of home...It's just not the same without you...I love you

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

For those of you that don't know, I decided a couple of months ago to pursue a lawsuit against the care center that my mom saw just before she passed away. Yesterday I received some news from my lawyer that I've dreading this whole time. He said in most embolism cases, the patient is too far along to help or do anything for: Not in my moms case. If she would have been diagnosed properly and given the correct medication, there was more than a 90% chance that she would have been just fine. It just isn't fair. Knowing now for a fact that if I would have taken her to a real E.R and she would have been seen by a real Dr that she would more than likely still be here today...

From Chere and Larry Blake

Dear Lindsey,
I'm so sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. She was a wonderful woman. I only knew her from Alta Vista Veterinary, where she took care of a pup that I rescued who had a broken leg. Christy was truly wonderful, you could tell she genuinely cared for each and every animal she came in touch with. It was my pleasure to know her for such a short time. I just found out today of her passing when I visited Alta Vista for a refill of heartworm medicine. I was devastated!
God bless you and care for you in your loss.
With much love,
Chere' Blake, mom of Gus a 13 pound Pomeranian who loved his Dr. Iverson, too.