
I would love for my Mom's friends and family to contribute some of their stories or memories of my mom. I want to eventually turn this blog into a book for her grandkids, so they too will have something to remember her by. If you have something you would like to share, please email it to me at tieman03@gmail.com and I will add it to her stories page. My family and I appreciate everyones support, prayers, and love during this very difficult time.

I would just like to let everyone know that this blog will be here forever. If you think of a story or memory of my mom a year from now, or even two or three, please feel free to share.

Mom's Slideshow

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

For those of you that don't know, I decided a couple of months ago to pursue a lawsuit against the care center that my mom saw just before she passed away. Yesterday I received some news from my lawyer that I've dreading this whole time. He said in most embolism cases, the patient is too far along to help or do anything for: Not in my moms case. If she would have been diagnosed properly and given the correct medication, there was more than a 90% chance that she would have been just fine. It just isn't fair. Knowing now for a fact that if I would have taken her to a real E.R and she would have been seen by a real Dr that she would more than likely still be here today...

1 comment:

  1. Barbara Maxwell RN PhDSeptember 2, 2011 at 1:40 PM

    Your Mom operated on my favorite cat of all time, Big Kitty. That is how I knew her. What I really want to say is that I know, as well as another person can know, how you feel. My father choked to death at Maryvale Hospital in 1992, after I had warned them repeatedly that he choked easily. My Mom died in 2000 from Alzheimer's and I was her caregiver. I cannot tell you how many times I have told myself, "If only I had been at the hospital" or "I could have done a better job for Mom." Being a loving daughter is a good and wonderful thing. Please don't take away from that with endless self-recrimination. Your Mom is with God, and as you know very well deep in your heart, she would never want you to feel bad about your efforts on her behalf--- emboli are sudden. You do what you believe to be the right thing, not knowing what is wrong. I don't know about the place you took your Mom to, but I know that your Mom would want your heart to be at peace.
