
I would love for my Mom's friends and family to contribute some of their stories or memories of my mom. I want to eventually turn this blog into a book for her grandkids, so they too will have something to remember her by. If you have something you would like to share, please email it to me at tieman03@gmail.com and I will add it to her stories page. My family and I appreciate everyones support, prayers, and love during this very difficult time.

I would just like to let everyone know that this blog will be here forever. If you think of a story or memory of my mom a year from now, or even two or three, please feel free to share.

Mom's Slideshow

Monday, April 6, 2009

From Diane Salus

Dearest Lindsey . . . after reading your wonderful blog for your mom and after having a good cry I wanted to tell you how very sorry I am and that I pray for God’s blessings on you and your family. Your mom’s passing is a tremendous loss to us all and SOV will never be the same without her. While singing in our choir I decided that we had too many Altos and asked if I could join the 2nd Sopranos. This probably didn’t do too much for the choir, but did something wonderful for me—I got to sit by and become acquainted with your mom. Her beautiful voice guided mine through those difficult 2nd parts every practice and Sunday morning. I so admired all that she could do with the choir and the bells and I could just feel through her calm wisdom and gentle way that she was a very special person, close to our Lord and blessed with His gifts. She became our dog’s vet and when we had to put him down she held both Stan and me in her loving arms as we cried. She was such a comfort and we both trusted her so much. How lucky I was to know her and how blessed you are that she was your mother.

Take care dear Lindsey and know that you will always be guided by her love

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